What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

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The word Neuro means brain or mind, Linguistic means to reveal body and mind states in your non-verbal communication or language, and Programming means the capacity to alter the states of your body and mind. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a psychological approach that applies communication, perceptual, and behavioral techniques to help individuals change their thoughts and behaviors. It involves analyzing the methods found by successful people and then using them to achieve the desired goal. It enables you to become a problem solver, effective communicator, and goal achiever. It is not magic. It assists you in approaching the particular problem states to find the more resourceful states. Anyone can learn Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The students can learn and benefit from the tools of this psychological approach.

What is the principle behind Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

Its principle is based on the concept that individuals perform by the internal maps of the world that they learn through the sensory experiences they encounter. Neurolinguistic Programming helps to modify and detect the limitations as well as unconscious biases of the map of an individual about the world. It brings the alterations in an individual’s thoughts and behavior by the conscious use of language.

The Power Of Altered States Of Mind
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
The Power Of Altered States Of Mind

How Neuro-Linguistic Programming Work?

Neurolinguistic Programming helps individuals to analyze their own as well as their perspectives to design a systematic overview of particular situations. The basic elements of neuro-linguistic programming involve modeling, action as well as effective communication. To understand the particular action, the individual must undergo an exact similar action to learn from the experience.

Logical levels of change

It is believed that there are several natural hierarchies of change, learning as well as communication. Practitioners of Neuro-linguistic programming believe that six levels of change are logic-based which involve identity, behaviors, beliefs and values, purpose and spirituality, environment, and capabilities and skills.

  • Identity involves how you perceive yourself to be in your mind as well as the roles and responsibilities you play in your life.
  • Behaviors involve the actions you perform in your life.
  • Beliefs and values involve the personal beliefs that you have about things.
  • Purpose and spirituality are the highest level of change which involves perceiving something important and precious than yourself such as ethics and religion.
  • The environment is the lowest level of change which involves perceiving your setting, context, and people around yourself in your mind.
  • Capabilities and skills involve perceiving the skills and abilities that you can do.

Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques

There are many different techniques used by practitioners to develop Neuro-linguistic programming. The most popular techniques involve:

  • NLP Predicates
  • NLP Eye Accessing Cues

NLP Predicates

This technique was developed when Virginia Satir matched her predicates to the clients who were not aware of doing so. Some mainly used visual predicates and some used auditory. Some clients also used kinesthetic predicates that led to propositions for someone, where one of the senses is highly important and reflected in words that she or he chooses. The clients appreciated Satir for understanding their point of view when Satir matched her words with the predicates that were used by her clients. That action made the concepts more acceptable when they created rapport.

NLP Eye Accessing Cues

Eye Accessing Cues is another technique that was discovered by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It involves eye movements that show whether someone is using images, sounds goods, or feelings while thinking, learning, or remembering. For example, it is suggested that an individual who is right-handed while looking towards the left side will probably remember the visual images.

Four Pillars of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The following are the four foundations or pillars of Neuro-linguistic programming.

Sensory Awareness

NLP allows you to feel about your world that is much richer when you feel to your senses deliberately. For example, sometimes you feel that the sounds, colors, and smells of at someplace are quite different from your place.

Behavioral Flexibility

Behavioral Flexibility is very important for practicing NLP. It enables you to perform something different when you are currently doing something, and it is not working anyway according to your requirements.


It is very important for building your relations with others. NLP helps to connect you with other people very quickly by creating strong trust with others. By understanding predicates, modality preferences, and eye-accessing cues a strong relationship can be built quickly.

Outcome Thinking

It is another very important pillar for developing NLP. It allows you to achieve your goal of doing something effort requiring. It helps you oppose negative thinking and connects you to think about the ideas that you want to get. The approach enables you to get your satisfaction and make the right choices and decisions.

  • The things to consider while training
  • Carefully monitor the time to complete your NLP training
  • Keep in mind the endorsements and accreditation
  • Easily affordable
  • Focus on the good quality of the material you taught
  • Always support yourself during and after your training
  • Consider the focus and philosophy
  • Assure the credibility of your staff and training center

Benefits of Neuro-linguistic Programming

There are several advantages you get by practicing the techniques of NLP. These involve:

  • Helps to alleviate your phobias and fears
  • Assists you attain achievement and success
  • Aids to better communicate and get information from others
  • Enhance your sensory as well as subconscious awareness
  • Helps you become a more inspiring and powerful communicator
  • It helps to empower and motivate you
  • It assists you in controlling your emotions and thinking
  • It enhances your skills at reading non-verbal cues
  • It helps to develop your strong personal as well as business relationships
  • It allows you to rectify your unwanted actions in yourself

Levels of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Training

Several training centers organize NPL training. The following are the four training levels for developing Neuro-linguistic Programming:

  • Practitioner
  • Master Practitioner
  • Trainer
  • NLP Coach

NPL Practitioner

It is the first training level that involves learning basic elements such as the skills for your successful dealings, elegance, and creating value in life. It involves addressing your challenges in family, relationships, education, and business.

NLP Master

It is the second training level that involves more complex practices and techniques. It enhances the skills to alter your beliefs as well as values to get a better fit in your work, lifestyle, and family. It also includes unconscious behavioral competence for example why individuals think differently.

NLP Trainer

It is the third training level that enables you to discover your particular identity as a presenter as well as a trainer. The level allows you to become a transformational presenter. It also enhances your skills to influence other groups to analyze and coordinate group actions.

NLP Coach

It is the fourth training level that uses the NLP tools to help the client by arranging various stages of a coaching session. You may take a complete NLP-Integrated Training for Life Coach.


  1. Kudliskis, V. (2013). Neuro‐linguistic programming and altered states: encouraging preparation for learning in the classroom for students with special educational needs. British Journal of Special Education, 40(2), 86-95.
  2. Sturt, J., Ali, S., Robertson, W., Metcalfe, D., Grove, A., Bourne, C., & Bridle, C. (2012). Neurolinguistic programming: a systematic review of the effects on health outcomes. British Journal of General Practice, 62(604), e757-e764.
  3. Tosey, P., & Mathison, J. (2010). Neuro‐linguistic programming as an innovation in education and teaching. Innovations in education and teaching international, 47(3), 317-326.
  4. Wiseman, R., Watt, C., ten Brinke, L., Porter, S., Couper, S. L., & Rankin, C. (2012). The eyes don’t have it: Lie detection and neuro-linguistic programming. PloS one, 7(7), e40259.
  5. Craft, A. (2001). Neuro‐linguistic programming and learning theory. The Curriculum Journal, 12(1), 125-136.

Body, Mind, And Soul For A Fulfilled Life!

The Dream Oak

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