Categories: Your Life

Feng Shui – Science Of Energy Flow

Energy and its flow and effect in the home and in oneself have become important to Western culture in recent years. We’re learning how to use it mindfully. One of the aspects of energy we’re studying is feng shui, the Chinese art, and science of energy flow. The Chinese have used this science for around 4,000 years, so its depth and breadth can’t be touched upon in a simple blog. However, we can give you the basic tenets of the science so you can make up your own mind about your home and your own energy flow.

What Is Feng Shui?

The words translate to wind and water. They symbolize the fact that the elements of earth, air, fire, and water are all around us. To be harmonious with our environment is where feng shui enters the picture.
Science is about arranging the components of our living space, our office, and/or our garden to reflect this harmony with the energy surrounding and inside us. Asians call it Tao or “the way,” a reflection of nature. Feng shui is a reflection of nature.


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How Does Feng Shui Work? The Elements

There are three basic aspects of science: the command position, the Bagua, and the elements of nature. Feng shui isn’t about rules and the placement of crystals; it’s about arrangements fostering the free and easy flow of energy or chi. Let’s begin with understanding the elements.

The earth gives us everything we need for survival: food, water, shelter, and clothing which are our basic needs. It’s represented in landscape paintings, beige colors, and supportive and nourishing things like pillows and pottery. The energy in your bedroom is suitable for these earth representations.

Necessary for life, water flows. It’s about renewal (think of baptism,) wealth and abundance. It’s represented in blue and black colors, blue carpets, and beach prints. Place items representing water energy in your office.

Fire brings the warmth of love and bright, shining energy into our lives. It’s best represented by red, bright shades of yellow and orange and, pink shades from purple to magenta. Candles and lampshades in these colors along with appropriately colored pillows bring this energy into your rooms. If your career involves fame, then place these items in that space to influence the energy there.

Wood is about health. It’s about growth and abundance (picture a forest.) The colors representing this abundance are obviously green and brown. Put plants in your rooms, green pillows and blankets, and pictures of trees. Place these representations of wealth and abundance in your office to engage the flow of energy.

Metal is about structure and productivity. It’s best represented by gray and white. It’s used to balance spaces too warm or cozy to bring cooler energy to the space. Bringing white or gray carpets and pillows, gray walls, and metal frames on pictures balances the warm and cool energies in the room.

How Does Feng Shui Work? The Bagua

The Bagua is a map placed over a floor plan of your house. Special attention is paid to windows and doors where energy flows into and out of your rooms. The Bagua traditionally checks eight areas in the structure, but you’re only going to be able to deal with about three: health, wealth, and career.

To improve the feng shui in a room, changing its colors to correspond to the elements of that energy is important. Let’s say your office is the kitchen table. The walls are white and the appliances are chrome. Add the greens and browns of wood along with the reds or yellows of fire to better represent the flow of energy you want in the room.

Harnessing the Power of Feng Shui Colors

How Does Feng Shui Work? The Command Position

The command position is perhaps the most important aspect of feng shui. The piece of furniture you use the most – the desk, sofa, or bed – should be placed diagonally from the door or the entry of energy flow. You should be able to have a direct line of sight to the door.

If diagonal furniture placement isn’t possible in your rooms, make sure you can see the door from your command position. You’re most vulnerable in the bedroom where you sleep. Seeing the door from your bed gives you security, and you’ll sleep better.

Strengthen the feng shui in your bedroom by not having a window or door behind the bed. You’re blocking the flow of energy, so place your furnishings in a way that doesn’t block the energy flow.

The Dream Oak

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Feng Shui - Science Of Energy Flow

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